» Sewage & Industrial Wastewater

Pollution load and concentration

Dr.Eng. Abdulrzzak Alturkmani

In most industries, wastewater effluents result from the following water uses:


• Sanitary wastewater (from washing, drinking, etc.);

• Cooling (from disposing of excess heat to the environment);

• Process wastewater (including both water used for making and washing products and for removal and transport of waste and by-products); and

• Cleaning (including wastewater from cleaning and maintenance of industrial areas).


Excluding the large volumes of cooling water discharged by the electric power industry, the wastewater production from urban areas is about evenly divided between industrial and municipal sources. Therefore, the use of water by industry can significantly affect the water quality of receiving waters. The level of wastewater loading from industrial sources varies markedly with the water quality objectives enforced by the regulatory agencies. There are many possible in-plant changes, process modifications and water-saving measures through which industrial wastewater loads can be significantly reduced. Up to 90 % of recent wastewater reductions have been achieved by industries employing such methods as recirculation, operation modifications, effluent reuse or more efficient operation. As a rule, treatment of an industrial effluent is much more expensive without water-saving measures than the total cost of in-plant modifications and residual effluent treatment. Industrial wastewater effluents are usually highly variable, with quantity and quality variations brought about by bath discharges, operation start-ups and shut-downs, working-hour distribution and so on. A long-term detailed survey is usually necessary before a conclusion on the pollution impact from an industry can be reached. Typical pollutants and BOD range for a variety of industrial wastes are given in Table 1. The values of typical concentration parameters (BOD5, COD, suspended solids) and pH for different industrial effluents are given in Table 2.



Table (1) Wastewater characteristics for typical industries (Kiely,1996)


Industry Principal pollutants BOD5  mg/l
Dairy, milk processing


Meat processing


Poultry processing


Bacon processing


Sugar refining




Canning fruit etc








Chemical plant

Carbohydrates, fats, proteins


SS, protein


SS, protein


SS, protein


SS, Carbohydrates


Carbohydrates, protein


SS, Carbohydrates


SS, protein, sulphide


heavy metals


SS, Carbohydrates, soaps, oils


SS, acidity, alkalinity

1000 – 2500


200  – 250


100 – 2400


900 – 1800


200 – 1700


500 – 1300


500 – 1200


250 – 1700




800 – 1200


250 – 1500

SS :  suspended solids






Table 2 Comparative strengths of wastewaters from industry

(Bond & Straub, 1974)


Type of waste BOD5 mg/l COD mg/l SS mg/l pH
Cotton 200 – 1000 400 – 1800 200 8 – 12
Wool scouring 2000 – 5000 2000 – 5000 (a) 3000 – 30000 9 – 11
Wool composite 1 100 9 – 10
Tannery 1000 – 2000 2000 – 4000 2000 – 3000 11 – 12
Laundry 1600 2700 250 – 500 8 – 9
Brewery 850 1700 90 4 – 8
Distillery 7 10 Low
Dairy 600 – 1000 150 – 250 (a) 200 – 400 Acid
citrus 2000 7000 Acid
pea 570 130 Acid
Slaughterhouse 1500 – 2500 200 – 400 (a) 800 7
Potato processing 2000 3500 2500 11 – 13
Sugar beet 450 – 2000 600 – 3000 800 – 1500 7 – 8
Farm 1000 – 2000 500 – 1000 (a) 1500 – 3000 7.5 – 8.5
Poultry 500 – 800 600 – 1050 450 – 800 6.5 – 9
Pulp; sulfite 1400 – 1700 84 – 10000 Variable
Pulp; kraft 100 – 350 170 – 600 75 – 300 7 – 9.5
Paperboard 100 – 450 300 – 1400 40 – 100
Strawboard 950 850 (a) 1350
Coke oven 780 1650 (a) 70 7 – 11
Oil refinery 100 – 500 150 – 800 130 – 600 2 – 6

(a) = COD Mn, mg O2/l




1- Abdulrzzak Alturkmani, Dairy Industry Effluents Treatment, Thesis. UTCB University, Bucharest-Romania 2007
2- Califorina State University, Industrial Waste Treatment, V1&V2. USA,1999
3- Kiely, Environmental Engineering, 1996
4- R.G. Bond, C.P. Straub, Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 1974