About us

·         PhD in Civil Engineering (Equivalence to PhD Degree of Environmental Engineering by the High Education Ministry in Syria, Decision No. 1642, Date 14-03-2010 ). Sanitary Engineering and Environment Protection Department, Water Technology Faculty. Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB), Romania (2007). Thesis title’s “Dairy Industry Effluents Treatment”. Thesis language is English.

·         Postgraduate Diploma of  Environmental Engineering. Environmental Engineering Faculty, Al Baath University in Homs. Syria (2000)

·         B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering Specialization), Civil Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering Department. Al-Baath University in Homs, Syria(1996).

Latest Positions

·         Environmental Expert. Syrian Irrigation Ministry,General Association of Water Resources, Water Resources Directorate in Homs. Water Quality Monitoring Department.

·         Environmental Consultant. Syrian Local Administration Ministry,Industrial City of Hassia in Homs. Industrial Pollution control & Environment Office.

·         Member of Syrian Inter-Institutional Professional Network for Water & Wastewater Sector(IPN). Supported by German GTZ & Syrian Engineers Order.

·         Scientific Issues & Standards Committee Member, Environmental Expert. Homs Commercial Chamber. Syria

·         Owner & Manager of Environmental Engineering Website:    www.4enveng.com

·         Member of Supervision Team of Orontes River Rehabilitation Project inHama City.

·         Environmental Engineering Lecturer, Syrian Engineers Association & Others.

·         Environmental Consultant for Ammar Mokahhal & Brothers Company (2008-2011). Homs, Syria.

Work Experience

–         Governmental Employments

Date      (D/M/Y)
Governmental Employee
The General Company for Engineering & Consulting Studies (GCEC). Sanitary Engineering Department. Homs Branch.
PhD Period Study, Romania (UTCB University).
The General Company for Engineering & Consulting Studies (GCEC). Sanitary Engineering Department. Homs Branch.
Water Quality Monitoring Department, Water Resources Directorate in Homs. Syrian Irrigation Ministry
Industrial City of Hassia – Homs City. Environmental Consultant
Water Quality Monitoring Department, Water Resources Directorate in Homs. Syrian Irrigation Ministry. Environmental Expert

–  Main Jobs Responsibilities

·              Environmental Consultant for an Industrial Pollution Control. “Industrial City of Hassia”. Homs-Syria.

·              Manger of Industrial Liquid Wastes Department. “Industrial City of Hassia”. Homs, Syria.

·              Industrial Licenses Committee Member. . “Industrial City of Hassia”. Homs, Syria.

·              Pollution Control Expert. “Water Quality Monitoring Department, Water Resources Directorate In Homs City”. Syrian Irrigation Ministry”.

·              Design Engineer. “The General Company for Engineering Studies & Consulting ( GCEC), Sanitary Engineering Department”. Homs, Syria.

·              Master Degree Supervisor. ” Selectors effects on biological treatment in WWTP. Environmental Engineering Faculty”. Al-Baath University, Homs-Syria.

·         Environmental Engineering Lecturer, Syrian Engineers Order & Others.

·         Environmental Engineering Assessment Reports & Environment Protection Studies Preparing.

–       Public & Private Works Activities

·Design of many environmental projects for the municipal communities in Syria. 1997-2001.

· Essential studies of many municipal wastewater treatment plants (extended aeration, oxidation ponds, aerated ponds, activated sludge, etc.,..) for some communities in Syria. 1997-2001.

·Study Team Member for municipal wastewaters and industrial pollution control in Al-Asee BasinProject, Syria.1998-2000.

·Study Team Member for the regional pollution control in The Coastal BasinProject, Syria. 1999-2001.

·Simplified wastewater treatment solutions for the Syrian rural communities project. 2001

·Rehabilitation of the WWTP in the Fertilizer Factory of Homs. 2007-2008.

·Sadad & Al-Aliat Constructed Wetlands Plants Studies Revising. GCEC, Homs. 2008-2009.

·Supervision Team Member for lifting & pumping stations for main sewer of Tartus city study. 2008-2009.

·Supervision Team Member for Orontes River rehabilitation Project Study. Hama 2009-2010

·WWTPs tenders conditions preparing committee member. Constructing & Housing Ministry. 2010.

·Industrial pollution monitoring and control. Industrial City in Hassia – Homs. 2010

·Head of Liquid Wastes Department. Industrial City in Hassia – Homs. 2010

·Member of industrial licenses committee. Industrial City in Hassia – Homs. 2010

·Constructed wetlands wastewater treatment plant study of Tal Alnaka Village. Homs 2010
·Constructed wetlands wastewater treatment plant study of Tal Dura Village. Hama 2010
·Constructed wetlands wastewater treatment plant study of Khabab Village. Deraa 2010
·Constructed wetlands wastewater treatment plant study of Shiekh Saad-Owdan Village. Deraa City 2010

·Compact wastewater treatment plant study revision of Dumena Village. Homs 2011.

·Environmental impacts reports for many WWTPs, factories and different projects. 2008-2011.

·Supervision Team Member of many environmental engineering projects. Ammar Mokahhal & Brothers Company. 2008-2011.

·Water quality and wastewater pollution monitoring reports revision and other consulting activities. Water Resources Management Directorate in Homs. 2010-2011.

·Preparing Al-Gassaniah WWTP Tender (MBBR Method) With Veolia Company (Emirate Branch), Syria 2011 .
Scientific Researches, Reports and Lectures


·    Current pollution of Al-Asee BasinReport. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 1999. (Printed material)
·    Environmental impact report of municipal wastewaters and industrial pollution control in Al-Asee BasinProject. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 2000. (Printed material)
·    Feasibility study of wastewater treatment plants choices for Al-Asee Basin villages Report. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 2000. (Printed material)
·    Current pollution of The Coastal BasinReport. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 2001. (Printed material)
·    Environmental impact report of municipal wastewaters and industrial pollution control in The Coastal BasinProject. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 2001. (Printed material)
·    Feasibility study of wastewater treatment plants choices for The Coastal Basinvillages Report. GCEC Company. Homs, Syria 2000. (Printed material)
·    Water management in Syria Republic Report (In English). UTCB University. Romania, 2003
·    Wastewater qualities & quantities Report (In English). UTCB University. Romania, 2004
·    Wastewater qualities & quantities Report (In English). UTCB University. Romania, 2004
·    Computer aided design and GIS application in sanitation Report (In English). UTCB University. Romania, 2004.
·    Engineering Wastewater Management in Small Villages Report ( In Arabic). Syria 2008
·    Municipal wastewater management strategy evaluation in Syria (Current & Future situations) Report ( In Arabic). Syria 2009
·    Biological wastewater treatment Report ( In Arabic). Syria 2010
·    Nutrient Biological removal Report ( In Arabic). Syria 2010
·      Membranes Bioreactor Sewage Treatment for Sustainable Effluents Reused 2011


·    Feasibility study and costs evaluation of wastewater treatment plants in Syria Research. Post- Graduate diploma in environmental engineering (Graduate Project). Al-Baath University, Homs- Syria 1999–2000. (Printed material)
·    Dairy industry effluents treatment, anaerobic treatment of whey by usingstirred batch reactor Thesis Research (In English). UTCB University, Romania 2007. (Printed material)
·    Supervisor of ” Selectors effects on biological treatment in WWTP “, Master thesis. Environmental Engineering Faculty”. Al-Baath University, Homs-Syria. 2009-2011 (In progress).

Books & Publications:

·    Middle and small wastewater treatment plants. Syrian Engineers Association of Damascus Branch. Syria, 2008 .         (Two subjects)
·    Constructed Wetlands ( Theory, Design & Operation) Guide. ( In Arabic) ….In progress.
·    Wastewater Treatment, Concept and Design Approach. (In Arabic) …..In progress.


·    Wastewater treatment plants, planning, treatment and alternatives course. Attended by sanitary engineering department, Homs Branch. The General Company for engineering and consulting studies (GCEC). Syria 2008.
·    Wastewater treatment alternatives course. Attended by sanitary engineering department, Hama Branch. The General Company for engineering and consulting studies (GCEC). Syria 2008.
·    Wastewater treatment plants, design & operation for small communities course. Attended by engineers of Syrian Airlines Establishment. Syria 2010.

Lectures & Presentations:

·    Municipal wastewaters and industrial pollution control in Al-Asee BasinProject, Syrian Engineers Association of Homs Branch Center. Homs – Syria 1999
·    Wastewater treatment methods lecture. The General Company for Engineering Studies & Consulting (GCEC). Homs 2008
·    Wastewater treatment & management in small communities lecture. Middle and small wastewater treatment plants design workshop. Syrian Engineers Association of Damascus Branch. Syria 2008.
·    Biological wastewater treatment lecture. Middle and small wastewater treatment plants design workshop. Syrian Engineers Association of Damascus Branch. Syria 2008.
·    Wastewater management strategy in Syria lecture. Middle and small wastewater treatment plants workshop. Syrian Engineers Association of Ref Damas. Branch. Syria 2008
·    Wastewater treatment & management in small communities lecture. Middle and small wastewater treatment plants workshop. Syrian Engineers Association of Ref Damas. Branch. Syria 2008
·    Dairy industry effluents treatment lecture. First International Food Industries and biotechnologies Conference Lecturer.. Al-Baath University. Homs. 2009
·    Constructed wetlands Plants lecture. Environmental Engineering Faculty. Al-Baath University. Homs 2009
·    Solid wastes management in Hassia Industrial City. 49th Scientific Week lecturer ” Liquid & Solid Wastes Management”. High Ministry of Education in Syria. 2009
·    Industrial wastewater management in Hassia Industrial City lecture. Sustainable management of Water resource course. Syrian Engineers Association of Ref Damas Branch. Syria 2010.
·    Municipal wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands lecture. General Homs Sewage Company. Homs 2010
·    Wastewater treatment and management lecture. Scientific Week. Syrian Engineers Association of Raqqa Branch- Syria 2010
·    Wastewater treatment by membranes. 4th Conference for water, energy and solids, wastewater reuse technologies lecturer. Al-joude Consulting Center. Supported by Syrian Environment Ministry. Damascus 2011
·    Wastewater treatment by membranes for sustainable treated wastewater reusing. Scientific Workshop of international water day festival lecturer. Al-Baath University. Homs 2011
·    More than 20 environmental engineering articles publishing (Please see my Environmental Engineering  Website: www.4enveng.com.
·    Municipal wastewater treatment by membranes. “New directions of water treatment and reuse conference”. Tishreen University, Latakia City. Syria 7-8/6/2011.

Training Courses

– Laboratory assays of sewage Training course. ( 12-16 -09-1999) Damascus. Supervised by the World Health Organization. Syria
– Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants Training course. (4-8/03/2000) Damascus. Supervised by the World Health Organization. Syria
– ”  Efficient Management of  Wastewater, its Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean  Countries”, Web-Based Training Course. 2 May up to 23 June. Hamburg University, Germany (funded by UE ) 2006.
– Sewage Wastewater Pumping Stations Design Training course. 13-15 July 2008 by ABS Company(Italy) Meeting in Damascus. Syria 2008
– Sector Governance in Urban Sanitation, Web-Based Training Course. Sep. 29–Nov. 30, 2008.(Funded by InWEnt, Germany).
– Organization Development for Water Services & Sanitation Utilities), Web-Based Training Course. Jan.25 – Mar.1  2010 . InWEnt, Germany


-First German & Syrian Week for Environment. Damascus, Syria 19-23/11/ 2006.

– First Conference for Wastewater Treatment by Membranes. Al-Baath University. 11-09-2007

– O&M of WWTPs in Syria Conference. Damascus, Syria 5-6 Nov. 2007.
– Second German & Syrian Week for Environment. Damascus, Syria 19–22 Nov 2007

– First International Environmental Conference in Jeddah, Saudia Arabia 2008

– WWTPs Scientific Tour ( 14 Days), Germany 2008.

– First German & Syrian Conference for Industrial Pollution Control, Homs Syria 2008

– First International Conference of Food Engineering. Al-Baath University. Homs-Syria 2008.

– Third German & Syrian Week for Environment ” Energy and Solid Waste Management”.  Damascus, Syria 30 Nov-4 Dec./ 2008.

– Syrian Inventors support for Small Projects related Climate changes challenges. Homs-Syria    2009.

– Fourth German & Syrian Week for Environment ” Water Supply and Sanitation”. AleppoUniversity, Syria 6-10/ December / 2009.

– Gulf Wastewater treatment & Reuse Conference. 8th-10th February 2010, Dubai, UAE

– International wastewater treatment plants exhibition (IFAT 2010) and accompanied Conference. Munchen, Germany 2010.

– Lecturer of Wastewater Treatment in Small communities Course. Syrian Air Organization. Damascus Airport. 2010

– 4th Conference for Effluent WWTPs Reuse Technologies. My lecture related to “Membranes Bioreactor Sewage Treatment for Sustainable Effluents Reused”. Damascus Syria 03-03-2011.

– National Water Day Festival, Scientific Workshop. ” Water Resources and Pollution Protection”. 22-23/3/2011. Civil Engineering Faculty, Al-Baath University. Homs-Syria

– New directions of water treatment and reuse conference. Tishreen University, Latakia City. Syria 7-8/6/2011.


·               Al-Jazeera Newspaper. Nr. 13161, 11 Shaoual 1429 Hijree. Saudi Arabia

·               Tishreen Newspaper . Syria 2009
·               Syrian TV. Channel 1, Damascus 2011

Additional Information

·   Member of Syrian Computer Science Society.
·   Member of Syrian Engineers Order.
·   Member of Syrian Inter-Institutional Professional Network for Water & Wastewater Sector (IPN). Supported by German GTZ & Syrian Engineers Order.
·  Scientific Issues & Standards Committee Member, Environmental Expert. Homs Commercial Chamber. Syria


·         Arabic (Native language)
·         English (Very Good)
·         Romanian (Good)





E-MAIL: kamalsheikhe@mail.sy

E-MAIL: areikat@un.org